Chiropractic Care

Ames, IA

Your Ames Chiropractic Care Center

Embark on an extraordinary journey of improved vitality and a heightened sense of well-being at Bridges Chiropractic Clinic. Imagine a life where pain and discomfort no longer dictate your every move, allowing you to reclaim control and embrace what truly matters.

Say goodbye to being at the mercy of your pain and take the reins of your life once more. Our dedicated team is here to empower you on your path to total wellness.

Discover the beauty of chiropractic care, a natural approach to healing that our patients rave about. Dr. Bridges, our compassionate chiropractor, employs gentle yet highly effective procedures to provide you with the utmost care.

Experience the transformative power of alternative treatment options that aim to reduce or even eliminate your reliance on medication and surgery. Dr. Bridges is dedicated to promoting the restoration of your overall health and well-being in the most natural way possible.

Welcome to our Ames Chiropractic Clinic, where effective therapies await to release the chains of pain that have been holding you back. It’s time to regain your total wellness and embrace a life free from limitations.

Why Working with a Chiropractor Will Make a Difference To Your Health

Chiropractic care can be very helpful for patients who are experiencing severe or chronic pain. Some conditions that respond well to chiropractic treatment include headaches/migraines, neck pain, back pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, and even fibromyalgia.

Dr Bridges Chiropractic Back painChiropractic treatments can help heal injuries to the body in a way that no other treatment can.  Chiropractic care is different than medical care. Chiropractic treatments can reveal the root cause of many illnesses and diseases that are often masked by medical treatment.

Working with a chiropractor will give you the best chance to have optimal health. Patients who are experiencing disease or illness should be working with their doctor to find the cause of their pain and discomfort.

Working with a chiropractor can help reveal all of your underlying problems, even if they are not causing symptoms at that particular time.

We believe Chiropractic treatments are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle

Welcome to the transformative world of chiropractic care, where hope and relief await those experiencing severe or chronic pain. Imagine finding solace from headaches, neck pain, back pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, and even fibromyalgia through the power of chiropractic adjustments.

Unlike conventional medical care, chiropractic treatments dive deep to reveal the root cause of illnesses and diseases that often remain masked. By working with a chiropractor, you gain the best chance at achieving optimal health. Together with your doctor, you can uncover the underlying problems causing your pain and discomfort, even if they aren’t currently symptomatic.

At Bridges Chiropractic, we believe that chiropractic treatments are not just an alternative solution, but an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Proper alignment of the spine plays a crucial role in preventing ailments, offering a holistic approach rather than mere band-aid solutions.

We view our patients as partners in their own optimal health, supporting and encouraging them to actively participate in their well-being. By making chiropractic treatments a part of your daily life, you can experience a profound shift in how you feel.

Your First Visit to the chiropractor

During your first visit, our dedicated team will assess your spine’s health through X-rays, fostering a patient-doctor relationship built on trust and a shared commitment to optimal health. Dr. Dean Bridges, our Ames chiropractor, personally goes the extra mile to educate and empower his patients, delivering the highest standard of chiropractic care.

Take the first step towards a healthy, pain-free life today. Contact Bridges Chiropractic Clinic at 515-233-2225 and embark on a journey that will change your life for the better.


You don’t have to live with pain

Make an appointment for a complimentary consultation.
Relieve your pain, restore your life.

Chiropractic Treatment Plans for Pain Relief

Chiropractic care focuses on weaknesses and misalignment in your skeleton and your muscles.

We carefully manipulate these systems to relieve pain and joint soreness.

We want to restore you to full functionality and do so with care and concern for both your immediate pain and your long-term health goals.

Our services can help patients suffering from many ailments, including:

Herniated Disc

Pinched nerve

Muscle Spasms

Knee Pain Relief

Work Related Injuries

Consultation, Exam,
Adjustment and More…
Chiropractic AdjustmentsBy aligning the spinal column through chiropractic adjustments, we encourage the normal flow of signal to the brain. This alignment reduces pressure on the nerves causing your pain by simply aligning your body the way it should be. We use specific techniques based on the pain, discomfort, or mobility concerns you have.

Chiropractic Treatment Specialties

Knee Injury Treatment Chiropractic Protocol that is helping Ames ATHLETES

One of the scariest things that can happen in the life of a young athlete is having to deal with knee pain or injuries. The uncertainty of getting good treatment and the rehab process is something that keeps even the toughest athletes up at night. One of the scariest injuries that young athletes have to deal with are knee injuries. It’s hard to know whether or not you have a minor injury that is caused by overuse or something more serious that could require surgery and keep you out of competing longterm.

The good news is that once you understand the usual core causes of knee pain and instability in young athletes, you can actually do something about it with some very simple and inexpensive treatments. Once you understand what is actually causing your knee issues, you can also do a lot to avoid the things that caused it (and get your body over the issue before it becomes a long term problem). While some common athletic knee injuries do require surgeries and long term rehab, it’s important to know about the type of knee injuries that are common in young athletes that don’t.Understanding this can save you a lot of money and rehab time and get you back to competing fast.So… what are some of the most common athletic knee injuries that don’t surgery and long rehab times?

Athlete Knee Pain Protocol

What are the Most Likely Causes of Knee Pain in (15-35 year old) Athletes that can be treated without Surgery.

Knee Pain and Instability can be caused by a lot of different things but, in athletes between the ages of 15-35, there are some usual culprits that are most likely the cause. The most common cause of Knee Issues in athletes would have to be continued wear and tear caused by the trauma of competing at a high level. This “wear and tear” is also known as Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is something that commonly affects older adults but it is also especially prevalent in High Level Athletes. In the knee, Osteoarthritis most commonly manifest as a breakdown of the cartilage in between the upper and lower leg. In Athletes, Osteoarthritis in the Knee is affected by:

Your Age

The older you get, the more time you’ve spent using a previously damaged knee joint. This can play a factor in your knee’s overall breakdown over time.


Past accidents of the feet, low back, as well as the knee can all play a factor in knee joint breakdown.

Repetitive Stress

Slow Trauma to the knee joints over time can be just as dangerous as a one time trauma.

Height and Weight

Your height and weight affect the effective force which is exerted daily on your knees.

Old ACL or MCL injuries

As you body compensates for old injuries, the knee joint can be dramatically affected and degenerative processes can actually speed up.

So if the cause of your knee pain and instability is Osteoarthritis, what can you do to effectively treat the condition, relieve pain, increase the stability of the knees, and potentially reverse the underlying cause?

Dr. Bridges Athletic Knee Stability Protocol:

Over the last 20 years, we’ve focused our office on helping local athletes beat knee pain and instability. While some offices focus on being a “catch-all” provider, we have been dialing in our procedure for helping patients who suffer from a few specific ailments. After working with hundreds of Athletes who have been afflicted with knee pain, we’ve developed a treatment protocol that is specifically tailored to the body of a Young Athlete. Because of this focus we’ve developed a gentle and medication-free Knee Pain treatment Protocol that has been very successful.

Our Special Treatment Protocol uses a combination of Gentle Knee and Hip Joint Adjustments, Supportive Kinesio Taping, FDA Approved Cold Laser Therapy, as well as a Focused personal Home Rehabilitation program.

The Careful Combination of these treatments can help you stop the unhealthy processes that are going on in your knees before they become an even bigger issue. Our Athletic Knee Pain and Instability Treatment Protocol works so well because we help you body overcome the processes causing the pain and instability as we help you make the muscles around your knee even stronger. Most of the knee issues we see in older athletes took years to develop. Our treatment works because we make sure that we set your body up to heal before the condition is allowed to get worse. Our success rate with this condition is based on the fact that we always allow your body to do what it needs to do. No two patients’ knee conditions are alike and we make sure that we treat each condition as such. This is critical in making sure that you heal as quickly as possible while staying safe.

PLEASE NOTE: Not all Knee Conditions are treatable with this protocol. We take special care during our exams to make sure that this treatment is right for you. (see below for more)

Knee Pain Treatment Chiropractic Protocol that is helping Many Ames, IA Seniors Avoid Knee Surgery

One of the most frustrating things in the world is not being able to participate in life’s most enjoyable activities because your body isn’t cooperating. An unfortunate fact is that many senior citizens in the world today have to miss out on life because of debilitating inside knee pain and instability.

Many Knee Pain sufferers over the age of 50 are quick to blame their condition on advancing age.

While age does play a factor, there are usually more factor playing into why their knees are in such bad shape. The good news is that once you understand the usual core causes of inside knee pain and instability in people around the ages of 50-65, you can actually do something about it with some very simple and inexpensive treatments. Once you understand what is actually causing your knee issues, you can also do a lot to avoid the things that caused it (and finally be rid of the pain that you might have been dealing with for years).So… If you are over the age of 50, what are the most likely culprits that have caused knee knee and kept you from experiencing life to the fullest?

Senior Knee Pain Protocol

What are the Most Likely Causes of Chronic Knee Pain and Instability when You’re Over 50?

Inside Knee Pain and Instability can be caused by a lot of different things but, in people between the ages of 50-65, there are some usual culprits that are most likely the cause. The most common cause of Knee Issues in older aAdults would have to be continued wear and tear. This “wear and tear” is also known as Osteoarthritis. In the knee, Osteoarthritis most commonly manifest as a breakdown of the cartilage in between the upper and lower leg. Osteoarthritis in the Knee can be affected by:

Your Age

Women over the age of 50 are more likely to develop Osteoarthritis than Men.


Past accidents of the feet, low back, as well as the knee can all play a factor in knee health.

Repetitive Stress

Slow Trauma to the knee joints over time can be just as dangerous as a one time trauma.


Being overweight can affect the amount of stress that has been put on the knees over the years.

Other Illnesses

Systemic Illnesses like Gout can play a role in the development of Osteoarthritis in the knees.

So if the cause of your inside knee pain and instability is Osteoarthritis, what can you do to effectively treat the condition, relieve pain, increase the stability of the knees, and potentially reverse the underlying cause?

The Powerful Treatment Protocol We’ve Been Successfully Using to Help People over the Age of 50 Get Relief from Their Knee Pain and Increase Stability.

Dr. Bridges Aging Knee Stability Protocol:

Over the last 20 years we’ve focused our office on helping seniors beat inside knee pain and instability. While some offices focus on being a “catch all” provider, we have been dialing in our procedure for helping patients who suffer from a few specific ailments. After working with hundreds of Seniors who have been afflicted with inside knee pain for years, we’ve developed a treatment protocol that is specifically tailored to the body of a Senior Citizen. Because of this focus we’ve developed a gentle and medication free inside Knee Pain treatment Protocol that has been very successful.

Our Special Treatment Protocol uses a combination of Gentle Knee and Hip Joint Adjustments, Foot Leveling Technology, FDA Approved Cold Laser Therapy, as well as a Focused personal Home Rehabilitation program.

The Careful Combination of these treatments can help you overcome the symptoms of years of wear and tear that you may have put your body through. Our Senior inside Knee Pain and Instability Treatment Protocol works well because we push your body only as far as it needs to go at each treatment. We take special care to never overdo it or push your body too fast. Most of the knee issues we see took years to develop and we make sure that we give your body the adequate amount of time that it needs to adapt to treatment. Our high success rate with this condition is based on the fact that we always allow our body to do what it needs to do. No two patients’ knee conditions are exactly alike and we make sure that we treat each condition as such. This is critical in making sure that you heal as quickly as possible while staying safe.


Chiropractic is undoubtedly a boost for virtually any athlete. Chiropractic is ideal for athlete which wants to fulfill their full potential physically. Chiropractic is also a natural and wholesome means to take care of sports injuries.

Chiropractic for Sports InjuriesMany athletes are sidelined with injuries that could have been avoided, or because their injuries do not respond to traditional medical care. If received prior to the sports activities, chiropractic care keeps the body at its best functioning capacity helping eliminate imbalance and preventing injury. In the case of an injury, chiropractic care can solve problems that traditional medical care often cannot.

Injured athletes who continue to play do so at less than peak efficiency because their structural system is not balanced. More and more, coaches and athletes are turning away from pain-killing drugs, because they recognize that such drugs just mask the pain, and do not address the cause of the pain. Such a strategy often worsens the injury, possibly making full recovery impossible.

Chiropractic manipulation, therapeutic exercise, massage, and nutritional support are part of patient care for injuries such as ankle sprains, muscles strain, tendonitis, bursitis of the shoulder, and joint problems involving the elbow, wrist, hand, hip and knee can also be treated very effectively with chiropractic care.

Pre and Post Natal Chiropractic Care in Ames, IA

Have your Low Back, Legs, and Feet Been Killing You Since You Got Pregnant?

Prenatal and Postnatal Chiropractic ProtocolThere aren’t many experiences in life that are more special than being pregnant and carrying your soon-to-be born child. The love you have for someone you haven’t even met yet is an amazing part of being a woman.

Despite the special time and the joy that you’re experiencing right now, it’s hard to ignore the complicated and painful parts of the 9 special months where your child is growing inside of you.

Just about the time that you’ve gotten past all of the morning sickness is right around the time that most soon-to-be moms start to experience pain in their low backs, legs and feet.

While some women think that this is just something that you have to power through, it doesn’t have to be that way if you get a firm hold on what is actually at the root of all of that pain.

You can drastically reduce the pain and symptoms in your low back, legs, and feet without the use of medication once you focus on the core causes that happen during every pregnancy.

So… what are some of the most common causes of Low Back, Leg, and Feet Pain in Pregnant Women (that can be treated without medication)?

What are the Core Causes of Most Low Back, Leg, and Foot Pain in Pregnant Women?

Low Back, Leg, and Foot pain in Pregnant women are most often caused by your bodies response to the hormones that are released exclusively during pregnancy. As your body gets ready to make it possible to carry and ultimately deliver your baby, several powerful changes start to occur in your body.

Your Center of Gravity Changes

As your baby gets bigger your weight shifts forward and your core muscles have to compensate to keep you upright.

Ligaments Start to Losen in Your Pelvis

Hormones are releases which cause the ligaments in your pelvis to loosen to get ready for delivery. As this happens your core muscles also have to compensate for this chance.

Your Hips Come out of Position More Often

Due to changes in how you sleep and how you walk (due to changes in your center of gravity), your hips can more easily lock up. This can cause further pain and discomfort if they stay out of place too long.

Your Sciatic Nerve Becomes Irritated

As things become more crowded and your body is compensating, the nerves that lead to your legs can get slightly “pinched”. This leads to pain in your lower back, legs, and feet.
Muscles Become Overly Fatigued as they Compensate and help Keep You Upright.

All of the above leads to muscles all over your body having to pick up the slack and do things that they aren’t used to doing in order to keep you up right and moving. This process works fine until those muscles become overly fatigued. When this happens, you’ll start to feel those muscles sending you warning signs (pain). This is a common result of not taking care of all of the above issues.

So if the all of the above Symptoms are caused by the natural process of your body getting ready to have a baby, How do you Fix the Underlying Problem and Get out of Pain without medication?

The Powerful Treatment Protocol We’ve Been Successfully Using to Help Pregnant Women get Relief with their Low Back, Leg, and Foot Pain?

(Hint: We help Your Body’s Joints and Muscles Carry the Load Correctly)

Dr. Bridges Pregnancy
Treatment Protocol:

Over the last 20 years we’ve focused our office on helping pregnant Women get relief from the common, but painful, side effects of pregnancy in a natural and medication free way. While some offices focus on being a “catch all” provider, we have been dialing in our procedure for helping patients who suffer from a few specific ailments.

After working with hundreds of Moms-to-Be who have been afflicted with low back, leg, and foot pain cause by Pregnancy, we’ve developed a treatment protocol that is specifically tailored to the body of Pregnant Female.

Because of this focus we’ve developed a gentle and medication free way that is safe for both Mom and Baby.

Our Special Treatment Protocol uses a combination of Gentle Low Back and Hip Joint Adjustments, Special Stretching Programs, as well as Pregnancy Focused Massaged

The Careful Combination of these treatments can help you stop the painful processes that are going on in your low back before they become an even bigger issue.

Our Pregnancy Pain Relief Treatment Protocol works so well because we help you body overcome the processes causing the pain and instability as we help you make the muscles in your low back even stronger. All of this is Done in a Gentle and Safe Way so that Mom and Baby stay healthy and happy.

Our success rate with this pregnant women is based on the fact that we always allow your body to do what it needs to do. No two patient’s conditions are alike and we make sure that we treat each condition as such. This is critical in making sure that you heal as quickly as possible, while staying safe.

Migraine and Tension Headache Treatment Protocol that has been helping Ames Residents

People that have never experienced them will never be able to understand just how crippling migraine and severe tension headaches can be. If you’re like most of the people who suffer from one of these two kinds of headaches you are absolutely terrified anytime you feel one coming on.

Both Migraine and Severe Tension headache sufferers have to deal with pain that keeps them from working and enjoying normal daily activities.

The Good news is that the occurrences of these two types of headaches and their effects can be drastically reduced if you learn what the causes are and take steps to fix and prevent them.So… what are some of the most common causes of Migraine and Tension Headaches and how can you use that information to finally get some relief?

What are the Core Causes of Migraines and Severe Tension Headaches?

migraine 1

One of the Core things mentioned in the Graphic Above is “Stress”.

In our office we’ve found that the combination of Stress and Fatigue with at least one of the other reasons listed are the core causes of Migraines and Severe Tension Headaches.

Dr. Bridges’ Migraine and Tension Headache Pain Relief Program

Over the last 20 years we’ve focused our office on helping Migraine and Tension Headache Sufferers get relief by helping them relieve the tension caused in the upper back and neck that contributes to the onset of their headaches. After working with hundreds of Migraine and Tension headache Cases, we’ve developed a treatment protocol that is specifically built to help you get relief fast but also help you get rid of the things that are causing the headache. Very often we are able to help patients do a few simple things in their personal life that have a drastic effect on their headaches. The Secret to our Treatment protocol is that it gets rid of the musculoskeletal causes while we help you systematically get rid of other external factors that are contributing to the headaches.

Our Special Treatment Protocol uses a combination of Gentle Upper Back and Neck Adjustments, Special Stretching Programs, as well as a Diet and Exercise Program for Home.

The Careful Combination of these treatments and prevention protocols (diet and exercise) can help you stop the painful processes that are going on in your neck and head before they become an even bigger issue. Our Migraine and Tension Headache Treatment Protocol works so well because we help your body overcome the processes causing the stress as we help you change the diet and habits that contribute to making the headaches worse. All of this is Done in a Gentle and Safe Way. Our success rate with headaches is based on the fact that we always allow our body to do what it needs to do. No two patient’s conditions are alike and we make sure that we treat each condition as such. This is critical in making sure that you heal as quickly as possible while staying safe.

Chiropractic Treatment for Auto Accident Injuries Ames, IA

Being involved in an Auto Accident is a traumatic event that often times changes your life. It can often be difficult to know which way to turn to get help. When you find yourself unexpectedly in need of health care professionals who truly know what to do after an accident, we’re the doctors you need to call first.

Frequently it may be days, weeks, or even months before long-term effects are known after an auto accident injury. Pain medications may mask painful symptoms causing you to delay getting proper treatment.

An immediate thorough spinal assessment is not only important to your physical recovery but is also a critical part of documenting the appropriate information that may be needed for any insurance claims you may wish to file to receive the compensation you deserve and protect your legal rights.

What are the Most Likely Common Injuries After An Accident

car accident victim with whiplash

Neck Pain:

Commonly referred to as “whiplash” is caused by sudden forward, backward, or side movement of the head. This sudden movement can cause tearing of the muscles and ligaments in the neck and may also include injury to spinal joints, discs and nerves.

Mid Back:

The thoracic spine is most commonly injured as a result of most seat belt designs. As the torso moves forward the seat belt locks and the torso is forced to stop at the end of the shoulder strap. Because the shoulder strap crosses only one shoulder (usually the left), the side without a strap (usually right) is able to travel forward further which results in a forward flexing and twisting injury to the mid back.

If you were in the passenger seat this shoulder strap crosses in the opposite direction from this example, but the mechanics of a twisting injury remain the same.

Lower Back

The lumbar spine is also frequently injured, but the mechanism differs from the above. As the torso and pelvis move forward, they are stopped by the lap belt. However, the torso continues to move with a shearing force in the lumbar spine resulting in lumbar disc injuries.

Upper & Lower Extremities

Shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, legs, ankles, feet, and toes are also commonly injured while trying to brace oneself during impact. These injuries are typically seen by drivers and passengers not wearing a seat belt. In most cases, the actual damage is to the cervical and/or lumbar areas of the spine.

Symptoms May Include:

Headache, neck & shoulder pain, low back pain, arm & leg pain (including the feet and hands), pins & needles sensation, numbness, disc problems muscle spasms, fatigue, decreased ability to handle stress, memory impairment, neuropathies, PTSD and more.

Spinal injuries as a result of auto accidents frequently damage a number of pain sensitive structures located in the spinal region. When these tissues are injured pain and discomfort and often physical limitation is experienced.

Learn The Powerful Treatment Protocol We’ve Been Successfully Using to Help People Get Relief from Their Accident Injury and Increase Stability.

Low Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment Protocol that is helping Ames ATHLETES

One of the scariest things that can happen in the life of a young athlete is having to deal with injuries. The uncertainty of getting good treatment and the rehab process is something that keeps even the toughest athletes up at night. One of the scariest injuries that young athletes have to deal with are injuries to their Low Back.

It’s hard to know whether or not you have a minor injury that is caused by overuse or something more serious that could require surgery and keep you out of competing longterm.

The good news is that once you understand the usual core causes of low back pain in young athletes, you can actually do something about it with some very simple and inexpensive treatments. More importantly, once you understand the underlying cause of your low back issues, you can also do a lot to avoid the things that caused it (and get your body over the issue before it becomes a long term problem).

On rare occasion, some athletic low back injuries do require surgeries and long term rehab. Most often, however, Lower Back issues in Athletes are caused by common injuries that are easy to treat if acted upon quickly. Understanding this can save you a lot of money and rehab time and get you back to competing fast. So… what are some of the most common Low Back Injuries in Athletes and how can you get them treated quickly?

What are the Most Likely Causes of Low Back Pain and Stability Issues in (15-35 year old) Athletes?

Athlete Lower Back Pain ProtocolLow Back Pain and Instability can be caused by a lot of different things but, in athletes between the ages of 15-35, the most likely culprit is typically muscles that have been pulled or used past the point of exhaustion. The key to effectively treating these low back conditions is to understand exactly how a muscles can become so overused that it is pushed to the point of injury or overuse.

In the typical athlete, a low back issue typically starts long before the actual real pain sets in. For most athletes Low Back Issues work like this.

Step 1: The “No Big Deal” Injury

The athlete experiences a minor injury like a sprained ankle or a minor fall.

Step 2: Playing Through it

Most athletes play through this minor injury and, minus some soreness, the pain goes away within a few days.

Step 3: The Body Adaptation Phase

Even though the pain of the previous small injury goes away, the body starts to adapt to the injury. This adaptation is usually a group of muscles tightening to compensate for the injury. This group of muscles is often in the Low Back since it serves as a pivot point in the body.

Step 4: The Weakened Muscle Group

After an extended period of compensating for an injury that was never adequately treated, the muscle group becomes exhausted and opens the body up to pain from the fatigue.

Step 5: The Big Injury

Typically the big low back injury comes from the effects of the injury that was never treated and the exhausted muscles that helped the body adapt to that injury. This is a common core cause of Low Back Pain that is bad enough to keep you from playing or walking in a normal way (due to severe pain).So if the Low Back Pain you’re experiencing is coming from a group of muscles that has become exhausted from compensating from an earlier injury… How do you Fix the Underlying Problem and Get out of Pain? (see below)

Dr. Bridges Athletic Low Back Pain Relief and Stability Protocol:

Over the last 20 years, we’ve focused our clinic on helping local athletes beat low back pain and instability. While some clinics focus on being a “catch-all” provider, we have been dialing in our procedure for helping patients who suffer from a few specific ailments. After working with hundreds of Athletes who have been afflicted with low back pain, we’ve developed a treatment protocol that is specifically tailored to the body of a Young Athlete. Because of this focus we’ve developed a gentle and medication-free way of helping Athletes get rid of their low back pain while, at the same time, treating the condition that caused it in the first place.

Our Special Treatment Protocol may include Spinal and Hip Adjustments, Foot Leveling Technology, our Electrical Muscle Stimulation, Digital X-rays, FDA Approved Cold Laser Therapy, Rapid Release Therapy, Computerized Functional Rehab, Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression, as well as a Focused personal Home Rehabilitation program.

The Careful Combination of these treatments can help you stop the unhealthy processes that are going on in your low back before they become an even bigger issue. Our Athletic Low Back Pain and Instability Treatment Protocol works so well because we help your body overcome the processes causing the pain and instability as we help you make the muscles in your low back even stronger. Most of the low back issues we see took years to develop and we make sure that we give your body the adequate amount of time that it needs to adapt to treatment. Our high success rate with this condition is based on the fact that we always allow our body to do what it needs to do. No two patients’ low back conditions are exactly alike and we make sure that we treat each condition as such. This is critical in making sure that you heal as quickly as possible while staying safe.

Patient Testimonials

5Star Review Bridges Chiropractic

Kealy E.

“Absolutely 5 stars!! Very knowledgeable and thorough. I was having EXTREMELY bad headache pains that he was able to fix within a couple of days. Not only does Dean have likable personality but makes you feel comfortable in his care.”

5Star Review Bridges Chiropractic

Joe B.

“Dean is very good and helpful and i really enjoy every visit when i go in and see him”

5Star Review Bridges Chiropractic

Hillary K

“Best chiropractor ever! Dr. Bridges is an excellent chiropractor who gets to know his patients and uses hands-on adjustment techniques that actually eliminate problems. He is also incredibly efficient when patients become regulars and has gotten me in and out of his office in under 5 minutes.”

5Star Review Bridges Chiropractic

Noah N.

“Dr. Bridges is a fantastic Chiropractor. I’d recommend him to anybody in Ames. Very friendly and caring office. Always gives a wonderful adjustment.”

You don’t have to live with pain

Make an appointment for a complimentary consultation.
Relieve your pain, restore your life.


Dr Dean Bridges


Ames chiropractor, Dr. Bridges is an Ames native. He was introduced to chiropractic at the age of 6 when he was first adjusted. Within a month his health improved and he was off all asthma medications. He grew up wanting to help others improve their health naturally.

Dr. Bridges moved back home to Ames in 1996 and started Bridges Chiropractic Clinic. Today, with an abundance of experience, we deliver quality chiropractic care to people of all ages.

Dr Dean Bridges – Bridges Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Ames, IA 50010

Book an Appointment with Dr. Bridges Today for Life Without Pain 515-233-2225